Waist beads are a traditional West African accessory that consist of small glass beads on a string or wire worn around the waist or hips. Waist beads have a long history tied to Africa and Egyptian cultures dating back to as early as the 15th century.
Waist beads are commonly known as a way to gauge weight changes. But they are also associated with womanhood, maturity, and growth. In many traditional African ceremonies and rituals, waist beads are presented and worn by women and men alike.
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My name is Elisa, I am the Owner and founder of HerDezigns LLC. I started my journey 4 years ago when i purchased my first strand of waistbeads . When they were tied on me, I felt so beautiful and empowered in my divine feminine energy.
Waistbeads are a symbol of femininity, fertility, sensuality, and spiritual well-being. They are also an aid in weight management and weight loss. Start your ancestral waist bead journey today.